Western Arkansas' Largest Rare Coin Dealer

About dbkj numismatics
We are the largest full time coin dealer in Fort Smith, Arkansas and the largest coin dealer in Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma.
Since 1991, Dale White has bought hundreds of thousands of rare coins, rare currency, gold coins, gold bullion, silver bullion and other rare collectibles. We purchase individual rare coins and buy large coin collections including coin collections held by estates and trusts.
We are coin buyers in Fort Smith, Arkansas, but travel to approximately 35 coin shows each year. We help our customers locate specialized and hard to find rare coins.
Additionally, Dale White is a certified general appraiser licensed in Arkansas and Oklahoma. We provide appraisal services on large coin collections for estate or trust purposes. References are available on request.

Contact Us
Physical Address
4418 Towson Avenue
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901
Shipping Address
P.O. Box 931,
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902
Shop Hours
By Appointment
Monday – Friday| 10AM to 4PM
Saturday | 10AM to 2PM
Sunday | Closed